Santa Maria di Propezzano – Solemnity of the Ascension,,it,The Ascension appointment at Propezzano di Morro d'Oro is back,,it,a large religious festival that is also linked to the apparition of the Madonna del,,it,in fact the Abbey of Santa Maria di Propezzano ..,,it,On the days of,,it,June returns the,,it,a two-day trek through evocative country paths in the Abbazia Valley,,it,In this edition there will be many news,,it,starting from the route,,it,about 15km a day,,it

Santa Maria di Propezzano – Solemnity of the Ascension,,it,The Ascension appointment at Propezzano di Morro d'Oro is back,,it,a large religious festival that is also linked to the apparition of the Madonna del,,it,in fact the Abbey of Santa Maria di Propezzano ..,,it,On the days of,,it,June returns the,,it,a two-day trek through evocative country paths in the Abbazia Valley,,it,In this edition there will be many news,,it,starting from the route,,it,about 15km a day,,it

Torna l’appuntamento dell’Ascensione a Propezzano di Morro d’Oro, una grande festa religiosa che qui si lega anche all’ apparizione della Madonna del 10 May 715, in fact, l,,it,,,en,it is a Marian shrine,,it,Ascension to Propezzano,,it,It has always been a very heartfelt party in the area,,it,Saturday even today there are small pilgrimages from neighboring countries,,it,in addition to the spontaneous influx of many people,,it,The meeting is in the square in front of the church where the processional procession is expected with the statue of the Madonna that starts from the mother church of San Salvatore and San Nicola di Morro d'Oro,,it,The procession crosses the beautiful Morrese countryside along a path included in the trail of the Valle delle Abbazie path,,it,Once arrived in front of the Abbey,,it,the priest begins the rite of opening the Holy Door,,it,all the pilgrims enter through the Gate and,,it,respecting tradition,,it’ Abbazia di Santa Maria di Propezzano è un Santuario Mariano. The’ Ascensione...
Valley of the Abbeys: il calendario eventi di luglio

Valley of the Abbeys: il calendario eventi di luglio

Nella Valle delle Abbazie vi aspetta un luglio ricco di eventi all’insegna del gusto, dell’arte, del benessere e del medioevo. Nel borgo di Castelbasso, it is possible to visit the collection of works of art of Malvina Menegaz Foundation for the Arts and ..,it.