Tower of Montegualtieri

Tower of Montegualtieri

The Montegualtieri tower stands on the summit of a hillock, along the northern flank of the Valle del Vomano. The knoll sticking with the characteristics of a promontory, a 260 m s.l.m., its un'ansa of Fiume, and welcomes this fortress that is known and ...
Regional Nature Reserve Castel Cerreto

Regional Nature Reserve Castel Cerreto

Established in 1991, on a proposal by a group of local environmentalists, Castel Cerreto Regional Nature Reserve covers an area of ​​hilly 143 ettari fra i 300 e i 600 meters above sea level, in the territory of the town of Penna Sant'Andrea, in the province...
Santa Maria del Soccorso

Santa Maria del Soccorso

Santa Maria del Soccorso, built in the sixteenth century and restored in the sixteenth century, è la chiesa parrocchiale di Penna Sant’Andrea. Al suo interno sono conservati numerosi arredi provenienti dalla chiesa sconsacrata di San Giusta, in particular a shovel ...
Santa Maria La Nova

Santa Maria La Nova

The parish church of Santa Maria La Nova, that already in 1330 became Provost and Arcipretura, probably had at that time a five-aisled, then reduced to three and then to two with the restructuring of the 1826. The facade, demarcated in ...