Santa Maria di Propezzano

Santa Maria di Propezzano

Strada Provinciale 22c, località Propezzano, Morro d’Oro (Teramo) GPS: 42.645226, 13.918169 During visite: +39 329 8045980 La chiesa di Santa Maria di Propezzano Insieme con l’adiacente monastero fu parte dell’abbazia omonima appartenuta all’ordine dei padri...
SS. Salvatore a Canzano

SS. Salvatore a Canzano

The church of SS. Salvatore rises isolated from the urban context of the town of Canzano. History Founded probably around the middle of the twelfth century, quote of the ancient monastery dating back to 1221. During the course of the fourteenth century the abbey and ...
San Clemente al Vomano

San Clemente al Vomano

The church of San Clemente al Vomano, also known as the Abbey of San Clemente al Vomano, stands on top of a small hill on the left bank of the river Vomano, not far from Guardia Vomano Notasulga. It belonged to the abbey of the order of the complex ...
SS. Pietro e Andrea

SS. Pietro e Andrea

The church, dedicated to SS. Apostles Peter and Andrew, stands at the center of the village of Castelbasso; anticamente conosciuto come Castrum Vetus Monaciscum (Castel Vecchio Monacesco) as pertaining to the nearby Abbey of San Clemente al Vomano. The existing one today ...
Santa Maria in Porto Lungo

Santa Maria in Porto Lungo

The Church of Santa Maria in Porto Lungo dates from the fourteenth century and, built on an ancient pagan temple, is in Romanesque style. Its facade is a horizontal coping with a central triangular brick structure in support of the cross. The wooden portal,...