The Franciscan churches in the Valley Abbeys

The Franciscan churches in the Valley Abbeys

Today, 4 October, celebrates Saint Francis of Assisi, patron of Italy. The Valley of the Abbeys still preserves valuable architectural and documentary evidence that narrate the early years of the spread of the Franciscan message. Accanto ad...
A Walk in Nature

A Walk in Nature

  THE ECOLOGICAL RIDE A ride for the people The Ecological Pedal is a bike ride, or by any other means not pollutant, on the natural cycle path situated along the banks of the river Vomano, followed by a festive banquet in Piazza Antonio ...
Valley of the Abbeys: il calendario eventi di luglio

Valley of the Abbeys: il calendario eventi di luglio

Nella Valle delle Abbazie vi aspetta un luglio ricco di eventi all’insegna del gusto, dell’arte, del benessere e del medioevo. Nel borgo di Castelbasso, it is possible to visit the collection of works of art of Malvina Menegaz Foundation for the Arts and ..,it.
open cellars 2016 in the valley of the abbeys

open cellars 2016 in the valley of the abbeys

At the start in this last weekend of May, the 24th edition of "Open Cellars". Also the Valley of the Abbeys offers the unique opportunity to apply to the letter the motto of the event, “See what you drink”, combining to a food and wine tour ...
18 May 1480: dell'Alno miracle of Our Lady of Canzano

18 May 1480: dell'Alno miracle of Our Lady of Canzano

The 18 May 1480 Canzano, in the Valley of the Abbeys, la Madonna apparve a un contadino di Canzano, Floro John. Mentre arava il proprio campo egli vide i buoi che tiravano l’aratro inginocchiarsi e osservò sopra un albero di pioppo bianco, that...