Hermitages and miracles, Abruzzo Segreto

Hermitages and miracles, Abruzzo Segreto

Thanks to the journalist Roberta Scorranese of Correira della Sera that begins a search for beauty in central Italy (not affected by the earthquake) be discovered. Maybe this spring. Zappa and rosary symbols of this secret Abruzzo. E non poteva mancare...
Feast of St. Blaise

Feast of St. Blaise

The 2017 began with cold and snow as much did not happen, plus there were some tremors. Valley woke up all covered with that white which at first aroused, as usual, cheer among children. But unfortunately..,it.
Festa di Sant’Antonio Abate

Festa di Sant’Antonio Abate

The 17 January, the Feast of St. Anthony Abbot, si apre il ciclo di carnevale e le rappresentazioni, that still take place in Abruzzo, evidenziano una genuina testimonianza della tradizione giullaresca legata al periodo del carnevale. The figure of the saint ...
Santa's House – II Edition

Santa's House – II Edition

The Valley of the Abbeys offers children the chance to live a beautiful and wonderful Christmas atmosphere! At Castel Castagna, negli spazi antistanti l’Abbazia di Santa Maria di Ronzano, returns the “Santa's house” which will remain open ..,it.