Caravan Tramontana IV in the Valley of the Abbeys,,it,home in days,,it,IV Caravan of memory and linguistic diversity,,it,It is a journey through Italy of historical minorities,,it,recognized,,it,unrecognized and new minorities,,it,Promoted by,,it,Association LEM Italy,,it,the Caravan is a dating container,,it,events and projects that aims to collect and stimulate local development and empowerment of communities through the enhancement of their ethno-linguistic heritage,,it,This year's theme fully connects the caravan to the European project,,it,Network Tramontana,,it,on the back and recovery of oral memory of mountain areas that obtained for the biennium,,it,a new co-financing out of the Creative Europe Program,,it

Caravan Tramontana IV in the Valley of the Abbeys,,it,home in days,,it,IV Caravan of memory and linguistic diversity,,it,It is a journey through Italy of historical minorities,,it,recognized,,it,unrecognized and new minorities,,it,Promoted by,,it,Association LEM Italy,,it,the Caravan is a dating container,,it,events and projects that aims to collect and stimulate local development and empowerment of communities through the enhancement of their ethno-linguistic heritage,,it,This year's theme fully connects the caravan to the European project,,it,Network Tramontana,,it,on the back and recovery of oral memory of mountain areas that obtained for the biennium,,it,a new co-financing out of the Creative Europe Program,,it

The Valley of the Abbeys home in days,,it,IV Caravan of memory and linguistic diversity,,it,It is a journey through Italy of historical minorities,,it,Promoted ..,,it,S C O R R A N O start the journey through the Borghi della Valle Abbeys from Scorrano,,it,that stands alone on a hill at the height of m.566 s.l.m,,it,Hamlet of Cellino Attanasio you can reach ..,,it 11 and 12 settembre 2017 la IV Carovana della memoria e della diversità linguistica. Si tratta di un viaggio attraverso l’Italia delle minoranze storiche, riconosciute, non riconosciute e delle nuove minoranze. Promossa...


Iniziamo il viaggio attraverso i Borghi della Valle delle Abbazie da Scorrano ( Scurranum), che svetta solitario su un colle all’altezza di m.566 s.l.m. on the right side of the Vomano river. The hamlet of Cellino Attanasio can be reached by taking the state road 81 da...
Festa di Santa Colomba: il Secondo Passo

Festa di Santa Colomba: il Secondo Passo

Il primo settembre si festeggia Santa Colomba, sorella di San Berardo, benedettino, dei Conti di Pagliara e primo Vescovo di Teramo. L’Eremo di Santa Colomba è situato a circa 1250 meters above sea level, in luogo isolato, under the upstream Infornace in the chain ..,it.
I walk in the valley of the Abbeys,it 2017

I walk in the valley of the Abbeys,it 2017

Back from,,it,June, I walk in the valley of the Abbeys,,it,organized this year by the association's Abruzzeria,,it,under the aegis of,,it,cultural tourist route promoted by the Union of Municipalities Hills Middle Vomano,,it,the municipalities of Morro d'Oro,,it,Isola del Gran Sasso and coordinated by ITHACA,,it,Association for Local Development,,it,The edition,,it,summer 2017,,en 2 al 4 giugno il Cammino nella Valle delle Abbazie, organizzato quest’anno dall’associazione L’Abruzzeria, under the aegis of the Valley of the Abbeys,,it,cultural tourist route promoted by the Union of Municipalities of the Middle Hills ..,,it, itinerario turistico culturale promosso dall’Unione di Comuni Colline del Medio...