Santa Maria di Propezzano – Solemnity of the Ascension,,it,The Ascension appointment at Propezzano di Morro d'Oro is back,,it,a large religious festival that is also linked to the apparition of the Madonna del,,it,in fact the Abbey of Santa Maria di Propezzano ..,,it,On the days of,,it,June returns the,,it,a two-day trek through evocative country paths in the Abbazia Valley,,it,In this edition there will be many news,,it,starting from the route,,it,about 15km a day,,it

Santa Maria di Propezzano – Solemnity of the Ascension,,it,The Ascension appointment at Propezzano di Morro d'Oro is back,,it,a large religious festival that is also linked to the apparition of the Madonna del,,it,in fact the Abbey of Santa Maria di Propezzano ..,,it,On the days of,,it,June returns the,,it,a two-day trek through evocative country paths in the Abbazia Valley,,it,In this edition there will be many news,,it,starting from the route,,it,about 15km a day,,it

Torna l’appuntamento dell’Ascensione a Propezzano di Morro d’Oro, una grande festa religiosa che qui si lega anche all’ apparizione della Madonna del 10 May 715, in fact, l,,it,,,en,it is a Marian shrine,,it,Ascension to Propezzano,,it,It has always been a very heartfelt party in the area,,it,Saturday even today there are small pilgrimages from neighboring countries,,it,in addition to the spontaneous influx of many people,,it,The meeting is in the square in front of the church where the processional procession is expected with the statue of the Madonna that starts from the mother church of San Salvatore and San Nicola di Morro d'Oro,,it,The procession crosses the beautiful Morrese countryside along a path included in the trail of the Valle delle Abbazie path,,it,Once arrived in front of the Abbey,,it,the priest begins the rite of opening the Holy Door,,it,all the pilgrims enter through the Gate and,,it,respecting tradition,,it’ Abbazia di Santa Maria di Propezzano è un Santuario Mariano. The’ Ascensione...
I walk in the valley of the Abbeys,it 2018

I walk in the valley of the Abbeys,it 2018

Nelle giornate del 2 and 3 giugno torna il “I walk in the valley of the Abbeys,it”, un trekking di due giorni attraverso suggestivi sentieri di campagna nella Valle delle Abbazie. In questa edizione ci saranno numerose novità, a partire dal percorso (about 15km ..,it.
Le Virtù-Piatto of the Teramo culinary tradition,,it,The first of May,,it,Labour day,,it,in Italy it is celebrated with concerts in the main squares,,it,throughout the province of Teramo is celebrated with many concerts of flavors,,it,colors and sounds that are enclosed in a wonderful and unique dish that goes under a ..,,it

Le Virtù-Piatto of the Teramo culinary tradition,,it,The first of May,,it,Labour day,,it,in Italy it is celebrated with concerts in the main squares,,it,throughout the province of Teramo is celebrated with many concerts of flavors,,it,colors and sounds that are enclosed in a wonderful and unique dish that goes under a ..,,it

Il primo Maggio, festa del lavoro, in Italia viene celebrato con concerti nelle maggiori piazze, in tutta la provincia di Teramo è celebrato con tanti concerti di sapori, colori e suoni che sono racchiusi in un piatto meraviglioso ed unico che va sotto un nome nobile...

Concerti delle Abbazie 2017 By telling our wounds,,it,I “,,en,"It offers musical events within the Abbeys of Mavone Vomano valleys and in the period from October to November,,it,allowing fans and tourists out of season still enjoy the territory through a quality offer,,it,They bring together beauty and skill and make living buildings differently from usual,,it,involving more senses,,it,Actually the music and especially this type of music in these age-old buildings,,it,creates emotions,,it,The Organization,,it,The third edition,,it,admirably even cured by Maestro Carlo Michini,,it,It has a particular significance for the organizers,,it,It has the flavor of memory and the desire to alleviate and overcome the wounds inflicted by natural events,,it,intense and adverse,,it,occurred in the autumn-winter,,it

The "Concerts of the Abbeys" offers musical events within the Abbeys of Mavone Vomano valleys and in the period from October to November,,it,allowing fans and tourists out of season to enjoy more of the territory through a quality offer ...,,it, permettendo agli appassionati e ai turisti fuori stagione di godere ancora del territorio tramite un’offerta di qualità. Essi mettono...
Windows on the Young Theater,,it,Valley of the Abbeys houses,,it,project,,it,Theater Reduced,,it,Bologna organized with the collaboration of,,it,Rogo Theater,,it,in the village of Guardia Vomano,,it,It is a residential meeting in three days,,it,where theater groups,,it,Biloura Collective,,en,Theatre Collective,,en,Torino,,en,and Filo dei Venti,,it,Brazil,,it,under the artistic direction,,it,Lina Della Rocca,,it,They will have the opportunity to exchange and discuss the work of the actor,,it,The meetings are open to,,it,hearers and will conclude on,,it,with a final event open to all, where there will be demonstrations of working groups of participants,,it,For information please contact the Rogo Theater,,it,cell,,en,,,pt,The reception of,,it,marks the opening of the project,,it,Semi,,en,by the Cultural and Rogo The ITHACA,,it

Windows on the Young Theater,,it,Valley of the Abbeys houses,,it,project,,it,Theater Reduced,,it,Bologna organized with the collaboration of,,it,Rogo Theater,,it,in the village of Guardia Vomano,,it,It is a residential meeting in three days,,it,where theater groups,,it,Biloura Collective,,en,Theatre Collective,,en,Torino,,en,and Filo dei Venti,,it,Brazil,,it,under the artistic direction,,it,Lina Della Rocca,,it,They will have the opportunity to exchange and discuss the work of the actor,,it,The meetings are open to,,it,hearers and will conclude on,,it,with a final event open to all, where there will be demonstrations of working groups of participants,,it,For information please contact the Rogo Theater,,it,cell,,en,,,pt,The reception of,,it,marks the opening of the project,,it,Semi,,en,by the Cultural and Rogo The ITHACA,,it

Valle delle Abbazie ospita, from 13 al 15 October 2017, “Windows on the Young Theater,,it,Valley of the Abbeys houses,,it,project,,it,Theater Reduced,,it,Bologna organized with the collaboration of,,it,Rogo Theater,,it,in the village of Guardia Vomano,,it,It is a residential meeting in three days,,it,where theater groups,,it,Biloura Collective,,en,Theatre Collective,,en,Torino,,en,and Filo dei Venti,,it,Brazil,,it,under the artistic direction,,it,Lina Della Rocca,,it,They will have the opportunity to exchange and discuss the work of the actor,,it,The meetings are open to,,it,hearers and will conclude on,,it,with a final event open to all, where there will be demonstrations of working groups of participants,,it,For information please contact the Rogo Theater,,it,cell,,en,,,pt,The reception of,,it,marks the opening of the project,,it,Semi,,en,by the Cultural and Rogo The ITHACA,,it”, progetto del Teatro Ridotto di Bologna organizzato con la collaborazione di Rogo Teatro e ITACA nel borgo di Guardia Vomano (City of Notaresco, Teramo). The Valley of the ..,it.


We continue our journey in the Valley to discover the villages and we tell you of Basciano through detailed description given by Prof.,,it,Emilio Di Nicola,,it,in an article for Tesori d'Abruzzo,,it,which he has kindly allowed us to use and for which we thank him sincerely,,it,The old village,,it,that retains traces of its past,,it,It stands on the crest of a hill which dominates the valley of the Mavone and the average valley of the Vomano,,it,From this unique position you can enjoy a unique panorama that sweeps from the Gran Sasso to the Adriatic Sea,,it,The origins,,it,The Basciano origins are very far,,it,In fact, the first archaeological discoveries date back to the Iron Age and testify the presence of settlements since the ninth century,,it. Emilio Di Nicola, in un suo articolo per Tesori d’Abruzzo, which has kindly allowed us to use and for which it ..,,it,Hamlet of Cellino Attanasio can be reached along the main road,,it,gives..,,pt.